Transitioning to a vegan/plant based diet

Whether you want to eat a plant-based diet or reduce your animal product consumption, they are a few things to take into account to make sure that you don’t miss on any essential nutriments.

According to the British Dietetic Association, a well-planned vegan diets can support healthy living in people of all ages.

The term well plan is very important here, because vegan diet doesn’t always mean healthy unfortunately. Cakes and chips (vegan or not) are full of processed sugar and fat!


Plant food

5 fruit and veg a day should be a minimum, eat all the colours without restrictions! You will probably eat more fibre that you are used to and your body will take time to adjust. If you fell a little bite bloated and go to the toilettes more than usual don’t worry it’s normal! Please note that a little bloat is normal now and then however if you fell discomfort and/or pain, it’s possible that you have an intolerant reaction to something and you should speak with your doctor or dietician.


Eating enough

Plant food is usually lower in calories than animal products; therefore, you should make sure that you eat enough calories. A good way to do it is to eat plant food higher in fat such as avocado, nuts and seeds. These will provide you with more energy and will keep you full longer.



Being vegan is not only about taking off the animal products out of your plate. You should replace it with a plant protein source. They are plenty of alternatives such as beans, tofu, lentils, soy, nuts …

 Make sure that you add one portion at every meal.

Vegan protein powder can be a good and quick option but it’s not essential.


Vitamin B12

Everybody following a vegan diet should supplement vitamin B12 as you can only find it in animal products nowadays.


Omega 3

Omega 3 can be found in some nuts and seeds such as flaxseeds or walnuts. If you don’t consume them every day, it might be a good idea to take an omega 3 supplement. Please speak to your doctor first about what they recommend for you before taking any supplements.


Vitamin D

According to the NHS, everyone should consider taking a daily supplement of vitamin D during autumn and winter to make sure that you keep your bones, teeth and muscles healthy.


Other vitamins & minerals

It is also a good idea to do a blood test with your doctor to check if you are not low on certain essential vitamins and minerals.

But more importantly, keep in mind that there is no such thing as bad and good food, but some foods are more nutrient dense than other. Keep eating your favourite food and experiencing in the kitchen as everything can be made vegan!


